Sunday Funday Thoughts (10/29/2017)

Been an interesting weekend so far. Friday decided to play a session (first in over 2.5 months online). Was fortunate to have a great session and result. Then played Saturday for a small win. Now playing Sunday. Incredibly sick this weekend, but in a way it's cool because I wouldn't have even played poker if that didn't happen. Now I feel like I'm ready to get back into the swing of things with some online low stakes MTTs the next few weeks. Also have the subreddit going, along with youtube (mostly spiritual concepts)
With the boring updates out of the way some poker thoughts on this session so far.
1) Sick sessions are actually a good opportunity. You know you will be getting your C-game. You can see what you need to work on in that C-game state, you can see what IS in the subconsious and what isn't. You will always have a C-game and this is it.
2) Low stakes online MTT in N.J. Swapping out the early $20-$30 turbo to super turbos weekly on Sunday going forward. Exchanging for another $100 buy in regular speed weekly. There are a few good satties online in N.J but most are < $20 and not on WSOP.
3) Using poker as a spiritual tool. MTTs are great because there should be no expectations or desires no matter how low or high you're playing. Anything put up should be considered as good as gone, even the best player in the world is going to lose more than 50% of the time with every buy in put up on an MTT. It can teach you ACCEPTANCE, which is powerful in itself as a lesson. Allow the moment ot be as it is. You don't have to just surrdener to the now, you can make friends with it.
4) Journal format over on the reddit sub:
Have a wonderful day!